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    How to use Mizuhiki

    New reference person increased in this page.
    Thereupon,It does the review to now. As for the technique of Mizuhiki the basis is important.
    Techniques used in Mizuhiki craft are cording, plaiting and winding. Among them, cording is the most fundamental technique and above all, Awaji (or Awabi) musubi(introduced in the first issue) is frequently used in Mizuhiki art. Use your imagination and you can create your original Mizuhiki simply by using Awaji musubi variation.



A: Scissors
B: Wires
C: Cutting Pliers/Flat Pliers
D: Chiri bo
E: Prick Punch
oher useful tools
   Floral tape , Glue

Cording and Sample Making
we show the process of Making Mizuhiki Craft. Once you have learnt basic Mizuhiki cording you may make Mizuhiki craft by yourself. Use your imagination and make your original Mizuhiki art.
    Cording Mizuhiki        Sample Making


Kind of Mizuhiki Material

Tokko-Mizuhiki Kinu-Mizuhiki
Sunago-Mizuhiki Akebono-Mizuhiki
Taiyou-Mizuhiki Pearl-Mizuhiki
Miyabi-mizuhiki Others........

and over 200 colors Mizuhiki material
Online shop Click here
(Japanese Japanese version)

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