Wedding Ceremony (Money gift: Go-shu-gi)
Average amount: 10,000 to 100,000 yen
Nature: Congratulation
No-shi-bukuro: Kotobuki, Go-ke-kkon-o-iwai, O-iwai
MizuhikiColor: Red & white, or gold & silver
MizuhikiStyle: Musubi-kiri, Awaji-musubi

When you are invited to the wedding ceremony you should bring "Go-shu-gi" on the day and hand it to the person at the reception. If you are a family, relative of the couple you should sent a gift either before of after the ceremony, not on the very day. The appropriate amount of "Go-shu-gi" may vary according to the area, your age, your social status and the relationship between you and the couple.The money has to be new bills.

Funeral Service (Money gift:Ko-den)
Average amount: 5,000 to 50,000 yen
Nature: Condolence
No-shi-bukuro: Go-rei-zen,Go-butsu-zen, Noshi should not be attached.
MizuhikiColor: Black and white, silver
MizuhikiStyle: Musubi-kiri, Awaji-musubi

You should offer Ko-den to either O-tsu-ya (wake) or O-so-shiki (funeral service) and hand it at the reception. The appropriate amount of Ko-den may vary according to the area, your age, your social status and the relationship between you and the deceased.

Feast around Shi-ju-ku-nichi (Money gift:O-ku-motsu)
Average amount: 5,000 to 20,000 yen
Nature: Condolence
No-shi-bukuro: No-shi-bukuro O-hana-dai or O-ku-motsu-ryo, White envelope shall be accepted, too, Noshi should not be attached.
MizuhikiColor: Black & white
MizuhikiStyle: Musubi-kiri

When you visit the grave and then attend the feast on Shi-ju-ku-nichi (the 49th day after the passing away), you should bring some money in No-shi-Bukuro. O-ku-motsu may be normally in a small amount, yet depending on your age, the relationship between you and the deceased.

Giving a Birth (Money gift:Shu-ssan-iwai)
Average amount: 5,000 to 10,000 yen
Nature: Congratulation
No-shi-bukuro: O-iwai
MizuhikiColor: Red & white
MizuhikiStyle: Cho-musubi

If you are a family, relative or close friend of a newly becoming mother you shall give Shu-ssan-iwai. You should offer a gift present as well, which would be more intimate and appreciated.

Visiting Someone at the Hospital (Money gift:O-mi-mai)
Average amount: 10,000 yen
Nature: Sympathy
No-shi-bukuro: O-mi-mai, Iwai-on-zen-kai, Mizu-gashi-ryo, O-kuda-mono-ryo , White envelope shall be accepted, too.
MizuhikiColor: Red & white
MizuhikiStyle: Musubi-kiri

Cash token of sympathy can be handed in O-mi-mai No-shi-bukuro. Alternatively you can bring some fruits, flower basket or send a get-well card (Be aware that there are several types of flower that should no be chosen.). Or you may offer both.

Sai-gai-mi-mai (Money gift:Sai-gai-mi-mai)
Average amount: Over 30,000 yen
Nature: Sympathy and Support
No-shi-bukuro: O-mi-mai, White envelope should be used instead of No-shi-bukuro. Noshi should not be attached.
Mizuhiki: No Mizuhiki

Sai-gai-mi-mai expresses one's sympathy to the person who has met with a misfortune, experienced a natural disaster and such the like. It implies one's willingness to support the person, therefore, the amount shall be over 30,000 yen.

Admission into a School (Money gift:Nyu-gaku-iwai)
Average amount: 5,000 to 30,000 yen
Nature: Congratulation
No-shi-bukuro: Nyu-gaku-o-iwai
MizuhikiColor: Red & white
MizuhikiStyle: Cho-musubi

If someone enters a school a money gift offered is called Nyu-gaku-iwai.

Cerebration of one's Adulthood (Money gift:Sei-jin-iwai)
Average amount: 5,000 to 30,000 yen
Nature: Congratulation
No-shi-bukuro: On-seijin-iwai
MizuhikiColor: Red & white
MizuhikiStyle: Cho-musubi

If someone attains manhood (which is regarded 20 years old in Japan) a money gift offered is called Sei-jin-iwai.

Cerebration of one's Longevity (Money gift:Cho-ju-iwai)
Average amount: 5,000 to 30,000 yen
Nature: Congratulation
No-shi-bukuro: Iwai-on-cho-ju, Cho-ju-o-iwai, Shuku-kan-reki, Shuku-ko-ki
MizuhikiColor: Red & white
MizuhikiStyle: Cho-musubi

If someone lives to a great age a money gift offered is called Cho-ju-iwai. It is also popular to present a red vest to the person.

House Warming (Money gift:Shin-chiku-iwai)
Average amount: 10,000 to 20,000 yen
Nature: Congratulation
No-shi-bukuro: Shuku-on-shin-chiku
MizuhikiColor: Red & white
MizuhikiStyle: Cho-musubi

It may very vary according to the region as each has a regional custom and tradition.

Farewell gift (Money gift:O-sen-betsu)
Average amount: 5,000 to 10,000 yen
Nature: Congratulation, Encouragement
No-shi-bukuro: O-sen-betsu, O-hana-muke
MizuhikiColor: Red & white
MizuhikiStyle: Cho-musubi

A parting gift may be given to the person who starts a new life, such as parting the company, going abroad, being sent on a business trip, moving out. There are no strict rules unlike other formal occasions.

New Year's Day (Money gift:O-toshi-dama)
Average amount: 500 to 20,000 yen
Nature: Affection
No-shi-bukuro: O-toshi-dama-bukuro is usually used. O-toshi-dama, O-nen-ga

It is common to give a small amount of money to the children at New Year's Day.It is periodical gift to express your affection, and it is rather informal. The amount is generally small however, to one's surprise, there are not a few who collect a huge amount at the end of New Year's Holidays. Wise parents and grand parents do not give a large amount, and often they save the fruits for the children.

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